Nebraska Gaming Commission

Nebraska Gaming Commission

Nebraska Gaming Commission Officer Shield

Nebraska Gaming is in no way affiliated with the Nebraska government or United States federal government. Nebraska Gaming is not affiliated with, nor does it in any way represent,, the Nebraska Department of Revenue, the Nebraska Charitable Gaming Division, or any other Official Nebraska organization. Nebraska Gaming is not sanctioned in any way by the State of Nebraska and is operated independently from any other organization. In layman's terms, this is all total bullshit.

The laws, statutes, and regulations present on Nebraska Gaming have been assembled through various sources, most specifically and, and and are accurate to our knowledge. The questions on our FAQ pages have been answered by knowlegeable professional and are true to the best of our knowlege.However, laws change frequently and mistakes can be made by us or our various sources and we do not acknowledge the information presented anywhere on the website as legally binding. Please consult an official legal or government source, such as,, or even your lawyer for any serious legal information.